This 1 Accessory Makes Any iPhone Take the Best Photos Ever — No Upgrade Required

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It's that time of year once again. All of the new phone models have just been announced, and as a result, we're all pinching pennies to avoid FOMO and score that coveted upgrade. But if what you're really after is a better-quality camera for your old iPhone, look no further: the DxO One camera ($499) will solve all your problems for about half the price.

Boasting 20.2-megapixel resolution, the world's smallest one-inch format sensor camera, and a wide-format lens, the DxO One connects directly into your iPhone's lightning port and integrates directly into the Apple iOS — giving you the power of a pricey DSLR camera, but letting you instantly drop your photos into your group iMessage or chuck them up on Instagram. Oh, and did we mention that it will solve every single one of those low-light problems you've got with your three-year-old phone?

Ahead, check out some of the features of this game-changing device — and be sure to check out the DxO website for additional information on what it can do.

The basics.

The basics.

Not only does the camera measure up at a staggering 20.2 megapixels, but it also has an f/1.8 aperture and a one-inch sensor to boot.

It's basically a DSLR.

It's basically a DSLR.

But it works with your phone, so everything is all in one place on one single device.

You can instantly share with friends.

You can instantly share with friends.

With integration into iOS, just tap a button to send an iMessage or post to social media.

The low-light camera can't be beat.

The low-light camera can't be beat.

That's always one of the biggest selling points on the newest mobile phone models, but the DxO One doesn't require you to shell out cash for a new one.

There are tons of modes to choose from.

There are tons of modes to choose from.

Get creative, or have the device do it for you.

There's even a waterproof case if you're feeling adventurous.

There's even a waterproof case if you're feeling adventurous.

Snag snazzy photos wherever, whenever by picking up the add-on case, which will protect your camera no matter what the conditions may be.