A Trainer Says This Is How Long You Need to Lift Weights to See "Noticeable Results"

Now that you've realized that you need to do a combination of strength training and cardio to strengthen and tone, you may be wondering how long until you begin to see any visible changes in your body. Turns out, it doesn't take as long as you might expect with the right tips. We reached out to Ridge Davis, a personal trainer in West Hollywood, CA, who helps his clients build muscle and shed fat. Here's how often and how long you should lift weights.

According to Ridge, you can "easily see noticeable results in four weeks" by training consistently five times a week and increasing intensity week over week. Each session should be 45-minutes long. However, training alone won't help you reach your goals. Ridge says consistency, intensity, and nutrition make up the "trifecta for success" in any fitness program.

He also shared some of the best weightlifting exercises for women, which include: