21 Powerful Photos of Peaceful Ferguson Protests Across America

After it was announced that a grand jury decided not to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting of Michael Brown, protestors gathered in cities across America on Monday night. Both Michael Brown's family and President Barack Obama called for peaceful protests, with Brown's family stating, "We respectfully ask that you please keep your protests peaceful. Answering violence with violence is not the appropriate reaction. Let's not just make noise, let's make a difference." Hundreds of protestors in Ferguson, MO, did just that, as did the people who gathered in Chicago, LA, and NYC. However, cases of riots, looting, and vandalism throughout Ferguson are also making headlines, as several buildings were torched and looted, and police made more than 80 arrests. As a larger conversation about race, the law, and police brutality continues, take a look at some of the most compelling pictures of the peaceful protests.