The 25 Stages of Hosting a Group Playdate

Jun 23 2017 - 8:30am

Everyone knows that the coolest mom on the block is always the one who hosts the best playdates [1]. As your kids get older and more independent, inviting a bunch of your child's friends into your home seems like a piece of cake. But if you've ever tried to be that supermom attempting to wrangle a bunch of kids whose mission in life seems to be destroying your home, you know just how wrong that assumption can be.

Scroll through for the 25 stages of hosting a playdate [2] with multiple children.

You get toys out for sharing and prepare a few easy-to-eat snacks.

It's best to be prepared.

You remind your children to be on their best behavior.

They oblige, but you have a sneaky feeling they're conning you.

The first kid arrives, and your child loses it within seconds.

He can't wait to show his friend every single one of his toys, which results in tons of noise.

With toys flying across the room, you welcome the rest of the group.

You can tell that the other moms can't wait to leave their kids with you to get some "me time."

As all the moms leave, you turn to see the disaster already unfolding.

There are toys and children everywhere.

You ask if anyone wants a snack so you can get them all sitting at the table.

This is immediately followed by kids climbing the shelves in your pantry like a scene out of Jumanji.

You give every kid a snack, but they refuse to sit at the table.

You accept that there will be Cheerios and Goldfish in every crevice of your home.

The first toy argument ensues.

Disciplining other parents' kids is super awkward, so you try to be diplomatic. It doesn't work.

Meanwhile, across the room, someone announces they need to pee.

So you show them where the bathroom is and ask if they can do everything all by themselves.

One minute later you’re wiping the tush of a kid you’ve just met.

A kid who had previously confirmed that she could do everything by herself . . . but didn't realize wiping counted.

You hear screaming and crying in the next room and brace yourself for what’s to come.

You just hope your kid isn't the cause.

After reprimanding your child for stealing toys, you allow everyone to get back to playing.

Why is sharing such a hard concept?

You attempt to clean part of the room that the kids have wandered away from.

Until one of the kids follows you over there and your efforts prove futile.

Someone finds the art supplies, which you realize as a tube of glitter goes flying across the floor.

So much for keeping this playdate to the toys you laid out.

While you’re cleaning up the glitter, another child calls you to wipe them.

This is something you never imagined doing before you had kids [3].

While you are occupied, one of the children takes it upon himself to pile toy trains in the refrigerator.

He says it's "wintertime at the train station."

Seeing you in the kitchen reminds every child that they’re hungry again, and you’re doling out round two of snacks.

After you've prepared what they asked for, they collectively decide that they want something else.

Your child asks you if he can take out the messiest toy he owns.

You try to turn him down, but now every kid has caught wind of it and wants to play with it.

You have an out-of-body experience as you look around the room trying to envision what your floors used to look like.

And you're wondering why you even bothered trying to plan this thing out.

You’re starting to crack as you wait for the parents to retrieve their kids.

It feels like you've been at this for hours.

The first mom comes to grab her kid, but you make it look like you totally have it together.

You're not panicking! You totally love it when kids make a mess of your house, and you're not stressed at all.

You tell the mom — who looks half horrified, half grateful that she's not you — that yes, of course you can host again soon.

This is a lie.

You start cleaning up again as the rest of the moms show up.

Again: exhausted but trying to look like you have it together.

Your child starts to cry because his friends are leaving.

But you don't want to promise that his friends will be back soon. Because there is just no way.

You close the door, declare it’s screen time, and vow to never have another playdate like that ever again.


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