The Most Effective (and Most Fun!) Yoga Sequence For Chiseled Arms and Abs

POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

For toned and chiseled arms that are strong enough to hold you up in Forearm Stand but will also have people saying, "What have you been doing? Your arms look amazing!", this is the sequence to get you there. Complete all 11 poses on the right side, and then repeat on the left.

POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson


  • Begin on the hands and knees.
  • Inhale to straighten the legs and hold the body in one straight line, shoulders over the wrists, abs pulled in, for five complete breaths.
Side Plank
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Side Plank

  • Inhale to step your right hand to the center of the mat, and exhale to stack your left foot on top of the right.
  • Balance on the outside edge of the right foot, keeping both feet flexed and the core strong.
  • Gaze at your upper hand for five breaths.
  • If you find it tough to balance, rest your left foot on the floor in front of your right leg.
Extended Side Plank
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Extended Side Plank

  • From Side Plank, take a breath in, then exhale as you extend your left arm over your ear, and press into the outside edge of your bottom foot to raise the hips.
  • Stay here stretching through the left side of the body for five deep breaths.
Extended Tabletop
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Extended Tabletop

  • Inhale, then exhale to deepen the arch in the spine by stepping your left foot behind you.
  • Press into the feet to lift the hips higher, enjoying this pose for five breaths.
Elbow Side Plank
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Elbow Side Plank

  • Inhale to rise up from Extended Tabletop, spin your body down, and exhale to lower your left elbow onto the floor behind your right hand.
  • Stack your right heel on top of the left, lift your right arm high, and gaze at your right fingers.
  • Stay here for five breaths.
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson


  • Take a breath in and exhale as you lower the right forearm to the floor, turning your left hand so both arms are parallel.
  • Hold here with the shoulders directly above the elbows, abs pulled in, for five complete breaths.
Quarter Dog
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Quarter Dog

  • Breathe in, then exhale to lift the hips, coming into Quarter Dog.
  • Allow the head to relax between the arms, holding here for five breaths.
One-Legged Quarter Dog
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

One-Legged Quarter Dog

  • Step the feet together, then inhale to lift your right leg high into the air.
  • Keep the head lifted, gazing between the hands for five breaths.
Forearm Stand Split
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Forearm Stand Split

  • From One-Legged Quarter Dog, inhale to bend your bottom knee and pop off the ball of your left foot. Hop slowly with control, trying to get your hips over your shoulders.
  • Keep the feet in split position, gazing forward for five breaths.
Forearm Stand
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Forearm Stand

  • From Forearm Stand Split, inhale to scissor the legs together, balancing on the forearms.
  • If your upper body is tired, lower down, shake out the arms, come into Forearm Stand Split for just one breath, and then bring the legs together for five breaths.
  • This pose is definitely tough to balance in, so if you're having trouble, continue working on Forearm Stand Split until you feel comfortable. Or do this pose in front of a wall so you can catch yourself before falling.
Child's Pose
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Child's Pose

  • Inhale to lower the shins to the floor and exhale as you extend the torso between the knees.
  • Rest here for five breaths.
  • Repeat this sequence on the other side.