16 Quotes From The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air That Are Just as Funny 30 Years Later


Thirty years ago, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air debuted on NBC, and it's still just as funny as it was back in 1990. While not all '90s sitcoms have aged well, the Will Smith-led series is a total gem, offering the perfect balance of hilarity and heart-wrenching moments. (If you didn't at least get choked up when Will asked Uncle Phil, "How come he don't want me, man?" in season four, then we have some questions for you.) While we wait for The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air cast-reunion special to air on HBO Max in November 2020 (and for the dramatic new Fresh Prince reboot to hit NBC's streaming platform Peacock), let's take a moment to appreciate some of the best quotes from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air's six-season run.

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Will: Girl, don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful.

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Will: You trippin'. No, you worse than trippin'. You've fallen, and you can't get up!

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Will: Fifty bucks? I could take like . . . 25 women out to dinner!

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Carlton: And I know you can hear me with ears that big.

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Will: Have you always been this stuck up, or did it take, like, years of practice?

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Will: I guess I can kiss heaven goodbye because it's got to be a sin to look this good.

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Geoffrey: I am tired of doing favors for you spoiled children. I'm off duty. I am not an animal!

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Will: I need another phone call. My butler hung up on me.

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Women at the Ladies' Club watching Carlton dance: Take it off!

Vivian: Put it on!

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Phil: I worked my ass off trying to keep him in line.

Geoffrey: And yet it's come back with a vengeance.

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Hilary: I totaled your Mastercard.

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Will: Could it be that I'm more obsessed with breasts and thighs than Colonel Sanders ever was?

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Will: Any time you see a white guy in jail, you know he did something bad.

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Phil: Good morning, Geoffrey. Isn't it a glorious day?

Geoffrey: Actually, sir, I have an impacted wisdom tooth, my hair is falling out, and I have a bunion the size of my fist.

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Sergeant: Could you please sit down? We're busy now.

Vivian: Oh, honey, we're about to get very busy in here.